Thursday, July 30, 2009

Outstanding Virtual Kentucky Bourbon Trail Dinner

AZUR just finished hosting our Virtual Kentucky Bourbon Trail Dinner to a packed dining room. This event was "SOLD OUT". Our special guests: Chris Morris and Eric Gregory entertained and educated our guests about bourbon and the Kentucky Bourbon Trail. The four courses of bourbon infused food were excellent by executive chef Jeremy Ashby. This one is going to be difficult to beat but we already have some ideas.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Restaurant Numbers Shrinking

The number of restaurants (chains and independents) decreased by 1% in the last year. Yes, they were victims of the economic downturn. Unfortunately, it is highly probable that this trend will continue. Take a moment to think about restaurants in your area because they are most likely struggling to survive right now and may not make it to better times. Many of them are small businesses and cannot compete with the marketing power of the large chains. Sometimes good food, hard work and passion just aren't enough.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Pass the Tepary Beans Please!

Earlier in the year, Tepary beans found their way to a 2009 Top Ten Food Trends list. Haven't tried Tepary beans? Well, if you like beans in general, then you'll love Tepary beans. They are native to the Southwestern United States and have been cultivated for 100s of years. The taste is a unique nutty taste as well as sweet and creamy. Tepary beans are prepared like pinto beans and can be used in a variety of dishes or eaten just by themselves. We know that AZUR foodies are adventurous so give them a try.

Monday, July 27, 2009

AZUR: One Half Thousand Strong and Growing

Just over a week ago, AZUR reported that the Facebook fan number had reached the 400 mark. Well, this week we have surpassed the one half thousand number and still rapidly climbing. We truly appreciate the AZUR fans and the support everyone has given us over the last five (5) years. While others have modified their offerings, we have remained true to our founding principles: fine cuisine, ambiance and professional service. We are continually amazed by the word-of-mouth campaign that you are responsible for and we sincerely thank you for all your kind words. Thank you so very much! AZUR restaurant & patio

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Virtual Kentucky Bourbon Dinner

AZUR is always pleased when one of our Chef Series dinners is "SOLD OUT" because it means that we're offering something that our customers are interested in. This dinner is special to us because it represents a product that is specific to Kentucky and is unique.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Benefits of Dining Out

Recently a study was done to identify the advantages of dining out vs. eating at home. The following is the TOP NINE responses in order:
1) Don't have to clean up
2) More of a treat/reward
3) Someone else is cooking
4) Crave restaurant fare
5) Being served
6) Saves time
7) Cannot make at home
8) Socializing
9) More courses

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Equipment Failure Preparedness

Although AZUR really doesn't like to think about the "what if the _________ fails", we have to be prepared to address it quickly. Tonight, several hours were spent configuring a spare computer in the event one of the workstations fail. This is just one example of how we prepare for the worse case scenario. In the past, we have had to deal with the point of sales (POS) server failing, the ice maker failing, the walkin cooler failing as well as many other equipment malfunctions. We must have backup plans to cover our operations so our guests' AZUR experiences are not affected. Actually, many of the incidents mentioned above have occurred during service but if handled promptly and correctly, no one in the dining room is aware. That is always our goal.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

AZUR Baking Bread

AZUR began baking it's own house bread this week. With our limited kitchen space, baking bread on a daily basis has always been a challenge. Honestly, it is very difficult to manage but the results are definitely worth it. Over the years, AZUR has outsourced the task of baking bread but often we just felt that we could do it better. Executive chef Jeremy Ashby completed several trials and was finally pleased with the procedure and the result. We're confident that you will be as well.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Many words are used to describe AZUR as a fine dining establishment such as upscale, elegant, eclectic, haute and continental. Though they are accurate descriptions of the food and presentations, AZUR is not stuffy. From the beginning, we conceived AZUR to include warmth and friendliness while maintaining a high level of cuisine. Our ambiance is contemporary casual. We want you to be wowed by the food but not smothered by the setting. Our mission is education and introduction to new tastes.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Facebook Fans Hits 400 Mark!

AZUR is pleased to announce that we have hit the 400 fans mark on Facebook. Since we launched the Facebook page last year, we have been able to share thoughts, photos, events and news in almost real time. Plus, our fans are able to interact with us. If you're not following AZUR on Facebook yet, just enter "AZUR restaurant & patio" in the search feature of Facebook and become a fan of AZUR restaurant & patio in Lexington, Kentucky.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

72 degrees in July

Believe it or not, Kentucky is in the 70's in the middle of July. What a great opportunity to enjoy the summer evenings without the humidity. After you work out in the yard all day, please consider rewarding yourself with a little dining alfresco style with a little live music. Honestly, summer nights like this don't happen that often. Savor them like a fine wine.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Vegetable Blight Alert!

Commercial growers and private backyard gardeners need to examine their tomatoes and potatoes for late blight. Kenny Seebold, extension plant pathologist in the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, reports “This disease looks a lot different than what growers are used to seeing,” “Leaves of infected plants will die and wither quickly. Unlike most diseases, which begin at the bottom of the plant and spread upward, this disease can infect the whole plant or begin at the top of the plant.” Seebold encouraged growers who suspect late blight or see anything out of the ordinary on their plants to bring samples to their local extension office for UK plant pathologists to diagnose.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Bourbon, Horses and Bluegrass

While driving the backroads of Kentucky in route to Frankfort to file documents with the Secretary of State, began to think about what draws non-residents to Kentucky - the horse farms with large old mansions and wood plank fences; the active distilleries of Kentucky bourbon steeped with history or the open spaces of hills and acres of bluegrass? Perhaps, it's the combination of all these things. And then hoping that one day fine dining destinations make the list as well.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Berries in Kentucky

Better be picking all the berries that you can grab as the season is on the downward cycle in Kentucky. There are still plenty of fresh berries to be found at local farmers markets or you can pick your own at many of the U-pick farms. Berries are very versatile as they can be used to make wine, cobblers and even garnishment on plates. This is "farm to table" in it's pure form.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Satisfying Wedding Parties

Perhaps one of the most satisfying of events at AZUR is happy wedding parties. We are honored that so many wedding rehearsal dinners and receptions select AZUR for their special day. From the time we are contacted to the time the last guest leaves, we attend to the details so the entire group (bride, groom, parents, relatives and friends) can just enjoy the moment. There's only one opportunity to "get it right" but that's where professional kitchen and service staff shine. It's part of the daily AZUR experience.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

What is a Patio?

AZUR restaurant & patio knows the definition of a "patio". It is defined as a courtyard; especially: an inner court open to the sky. Many establishments claim a patio by adding tables and chairs to a sidewalk or covered area adjacent to their building but they really aren't patios. We take great pride in our 2,500 sq. ft. patio with trees, flowers, bushes and dried laid bricks & walls. AZUR (a blue sky) coupled with patio (a courtyard open to the sky) means alfresco serenity.

Location: One of AZUR's Greatest Surprises

One of the greatest surprises of the AZUR experience is the shock people experience when they drive into Beaumont Centre and see that we are located in a row of store fronts (aka strip mall or center). Then they enter into the restaurant and their perception immediately changes. "Looks are deceiving! From the outside, you think 'strip mall space'. Then this new world opens up on the inside including huge covered patio area." AZUR has enjoyed many visitor comments from all of the country that echo this guest comment. We must confess that we proudly relish this "shock" factor.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Ceviches and Tiraditos on AZUR Summer Menu

For the AZUR summer menu, we have added a section of ceviches and tiraditos. These lighter dishes are seafood dishes marinated in citrus. According to Executive chef Jeremy Ashby, the tiradito is very similar in style, the designation tiradito describes a thin sliver of seafood and does not have the harsh onion slices or flavor that most ceviches do. The scallop option on our menu is a prime example of a tiradito. By the way, July is a great time to sample both during our Social Sunday offering which promotes slowing down this summer to be social. See web site or Facebook for details. or AZUR restaurant on Facebook under Events.

Friday, July 3, 2009

AZUR Closed for July 4th

We're winding down tonight and the restaurant will be silent on Saturday, July 4th as we observe the birth of America; however, we'll be working behind the scenes. Running a seven day a week operation doesn't give one much time to work on the extraneous so we like to take these opportunities to give AZUR some special attention. Things that our guests don't normally notice but we do. Have a great celebration day and we'll see you on Sunday for Social Sunday. Info available on the AZUR web site

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Why the name - AZUR restaurant & patio?

First, we did not want to emphasis "bar" or "pub" in the name. AZUR is always fine dining first. Quality and innovation is our mission. AZUR is...a restaurant that also has serves spirits not a bar that happens to sell food. And secondly, we wanted to draw attention to our very large landscaped patio from day one because at the time we opened Lexington, Kentucky was in the process of implementing a smoking ban for all public places including restaurants. Since we used "patio" in our name, AZUR has seen others copy the naming practice.