Monday, March 9, 2009

What is Value in Fine Dining?

Generally speaking, fine dining restaurants use fresh and typically less readily available ingredients in their cuisine. They create a dish from scratch and chefs pour their passion for cooking into it. Another component is the atmosphere which lends to the overall experience. The food is enhanced by not only it's presentation but also by it's surroundings. And finally, well timed professional service insures that the dining experience is paced properly and any customer special needs and/or questions are addressed promptly. Fine dining does not necessarily need to be "stuffy" but it does need to meet the above expectations and there lies it's value. A dining experience which is pleasurable from taste, visual and service perspectives that takes the diner away on a journey and in which all their needs are met. We strive for an Utopian experience. Why should customers pay more for this experience? (To be continued)