Monday, March 16, 2009

Digital Branding 102

Last Friday, AZUR focused on digital branding of the restaurant. In addition to the AZUR blog, the website, Facebook and our eNewsletter (all of which may be linked to from (, we added Twitter for communicating daily specials and other special events. You can subscribe by going to (no "www" in front). We also added a "favicon" to our url address which displays a graphic to the left of our web address. We know that there are restaurants that have great professionally created web pages but we are proud that all of our marketing, branding and much of our advertising is created in house. It's a true grass roots effort!

Today, we've been working with getting all the digital components to play nice together. We believe that we have it! This is starting to be more difficult than running the day-to-day business but we do pride ourselves on being cutting edge (technology included).