Monday, October 5, 2009

Sad News in the Food World Today

AZUR learned with the rest of the fine dining industry that Conde Nast would be shutting down Gourmet magazine today. This icon in the food industry once made obscure restaurants and their chefs known international with a single review. After nearly 70 years of taking readers to exotic locations to indulge in lavish cuisine, the longest running food publication will disappear as another victim to the economic climate. Their insight into the future of cuisine was unparalleled as they identified molecular gastronomy and locavore trends ten years ago. Fortunately, their vast collection of recipes will survive in chefs kitchens, home cookbooks and websites everywhere. This is a tremendous loss to all levels of cooking and particular to the dreams of upcoming chefs of being featured in Gourmet - signaling in a single review - I made it.